There are many wise teachings and beautiful ‘gifts’ being shared across the world, to support us to be in isolation. Wading through the ‘noise’ coming into your email box or media platforms is not for the faint hearted! A focus on less is more can be a good approach to mining for the ‘gold’. It has been a positive way forward for me, so I’m sharing pieces of wisdom that have resonated during recent weeks.
You can ‘google’ these inspiring people below as you wish, they speak to me, maybe not to you. There are numerous platforms and apps being used right now. However, the real connection we all crave is the innate peace that is always within. In other words, our capacity to ‘be’ regardless of what is happening around us.
1. Find your community, a yoga teacher in China
As he watched the rest of the world begin their time inside, he said: The sense of community I have felt during this time was incredible. I could choose who I wanted to spend my energy on, who I wanted to call, message and connect with and found the quality of my relationships has improved.
2. Practise ‘worry’ time, Kate James, Total Balance
It’s true that many of the things we worry about don’t eventuate. This means that the habit of worry uses up precious mental and physical energy. Set aside 15-20 minutes at a regular time each day and during your ‘worry time’, write down all your most prominent worrying thoughts. As you write, you may find that a couple of practical steps emerge, to address one of your most pressing concerns.
3. Find a deeper place, Swami Ramananda
The world needs the presence of people whose hearts are anchored in peace, whose minds are stable enough to be present to the multiple stresses we face, without being lost in reactivity. Our spiritual practice is a responsibility, a regular meditation practice is important. We may not be able to open our doors to each other, but we can open our hearts in countless ways to breathe goodwill and harmony into the collective.
4. Stay resilient, Rick Hanson
Action binds anxiety. Know that you’re doing what you can do today. If that means eliminating a risk that might even be a small risk, do that. Anything is infinitely more than nothing. Second, calm and centre yourself. For instance, find a way to settle into feeling what’s there. It’s important to feel the feelings but not feed them, chase them, or marinate in them. Notice you’re all right in the moment.
5. Start a gratitude diary
In conclusion, gratitude really enriches your life. I’ve started and stopped a gratitude diary many times in my life. However 2 years ago, with 3 months mostly immobile after a bad heel fracture and surgery, it became and continues as a daily practice. As a powerful action to rewire the ‘good’ into your brain, you need to write it down not just think about it. I’m incredibly grateful for the resilience and inner strength gained at that time, particularly now. And speaking of gratitude, last but by no means least, immense gratitude for my inspiring mentor and guide, Swami Asokananda. Here is his recent talk, Dealing with stress and worry at difficult times.