As I began to love myself
By Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday: As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is…

Surf the waves of uncertainty
I write from Melbourne, where we are now in a State of ‘disaster’, a Covid lock-down with a curfew and significant limitations on our entire life until mid-September at least. Our State, Victoria,…

Unlock your wisdom
When I was growing up wisdom and insights for me came from reading books, observing and admiring others. And also understanding very quickly when to keep out of the way of my brothers! Developing my…

5 ways to be in isolation
There are many wise teachings and beautiful ‘gifts’ being shared across the world, to support us to be in isolation. Wading through the ‘noise’ coming into your email box or media platforms is not…

The Yin to your Yang
The yang (stronger, dynamic) part of ourselves is important to nurture, as it creates action and allows us to get things done. However, to create down time…

5 ways to deepen your practice
As the popularity of yoga has grown, so has a focus on the physicality of yoga. We can experience more than the physical aspects, even on the mat. This…

My 3 words for 2019
‘Use Your Words’ is the name of a book I received last Christmas. It was to encourage my intention to write more in 2019, perhaps even start a book. Looking back now, I discover that I fell way…

Yoga for your pain body
Most people who come to my business are seeking self-care for their bodies, emotions and mind for the long haul. They understand that there are no ‘quick fixes’. They accept that habitual patterns…