Dis-connect from your outer chatter, your unmindful activity, the noisy world and take a step within.
Move from daydreaming, rumination, unhelpful self-talk
to being efficient, effective and present.
Meditation makes your mind strong and powerful.
You need a strong and powerful mind to be yourself in this world!

Some of the demonstrated benefits of meditation:
- A slowing of age-related thinning of the front of your brain, preserving your thinking, planning and reasoning skills.
- A reduction in adrenalin production, improving your digestion and lowering your stress levels.
- An increase in melatonin production, enhancing your quality of sleep.
- A protective effect on brain gray matter that counteracts the effects of chronic pain.
- A change in your brain patterning, enhancing positive rather than negative thoughts.
Did you know?
Meditators are less at risk for psychological disturbances.
Sat Bir PhD
Following major back surgery with a long period of recovery ahead of me, I decided to learn to meditate @ Experience Yoga. My post op pain was improved considerably through meditating and by learning how to relax more effectively. Even more beneficial was that mentally I felt not only calmer and more accepting of my limitations, but more positive and mindful in everyday tasks. I would recommend & encourage meditation practice to everyone but particularly to anyone recovering from any illness or surgery.
- Improve your emotional state, your decision making and your problem solving.
- Approach the mind gently, creating a most friendly internal environment.
- Learn to become your mind’s best friend.