Restorative Yoga Melbourne

Join a calm inviting space, move out of the busy and into repose, find your personal place of ease.

We do too much on a daily basis.
In a culture of constant achieving, busy-ness is glorified.
This supported practice brings a deep, felt sense of relaxation.
All that is required is a willingness to let go.

Who comes?

Whether you are feeling fatigued, stressed from daily activities, or simply need to slow down, this wonderfully adaptive practice is for everyone.

Yoga Therapy Melbourne
Restorative yoga classes melbourne

Restorative yoga uses bolsters, blocks and blankets to support the body fully in poses. This promotes healing, improves recovery and reduces stress.

As a result you experience:

There are numerous ‘medical’ benefits:

Restorative yoga melbourne

Deeply habituated work postures e.g. grasping the mouse tight in the right hand whilst ‘thinking’ at the computer, have resulted in tight muscles and neck pain. Restorative yoga helped unravel this tension and left me feeling refreshed and more aware of these entrenched patterns. Caroline’s attention to detail in the creation of her space and her calm, informative teaching is much appreciated.


Access high-quality therapeutic practices anytime, anywhere